Here came the grandma, age 81, lives along, doing farm works of her own, happy and beautiful in her own way, I love her and she me...We didn't have language to communicate in between, but we both felt each other in hearts and happy with that....
We met her in between their homes....aunt and her daughter and me.....than dinner was ready all were happy for the chicken, rape (one green vege), nshima (none flavored cornmeal porlenda) and aunt steamed more bumpkin and corn on the cob....all were so delicious.......we ate them all under tons of stars.......
After dinner the aunt and her children walked me to a guest house that run by the St. Mark's hot water, no problem i was to leave on 6am's bus anyway.....The trip back to Mansa by myself was a 24 hours' journey.....Mupanza to Choma, Choma to Lusaka, Lusaka to Mansa....long, but smooth on Mansa it was little over 5am and I took taxi to come back to PC was less than 2 KM distance....but at one third way the taxi broken down and no any cars in sight for 10 15 minutes so I walked the rest of way back.....6am I was in house.....made it a 24 hours trip. Showered and went back out to my village......
After all Ba Hamangaba kept text to me where he was during my trip out and he took the new mom and baby back to Mansa day before I came back for he has scheduled to work on Tuesday. I will see them in Mabumba later. Cheng 4/29/2011