Sunday, December 9, 2012

Village life's seemed only one way and its own way.

Since Bob was here, after MRI done on my knee, and Ba Fraser visited my site, all were telling me to slow down....."What I had done six months in Makasa could take others years to do......." I wish to believe it, but there are things that villagers really wanting and waiting to do, besides more and more officers came to visit with short notices......
November 30th, there were two DOA officers from Lusaka that I was told they were "PLARD program directors"....hmm.....later the week when I go to Mansa, I should ask PLARD officers if anyone know them.....they interviewed my farmers about PLARD's support to least that was what my farmers told me. 
At the same time I was having all groups of fish farmers to come and plan works for month of December, I invited them to joint us but they had done what they came for and left. 
Continued my planning for the month...... 
At the end of the meeting I show farmers the TV clip of the US Ambassador's visited Makasa on November 1st, that was really aired on the first Sunday night TV news. 
Spent weekend at Carmen and Mark's....their swimming pool has done and it was nice to have a dip in the hot afternoon...... 
at afternoon tea, I met another two of their volunteers from Australia.... 
Right after the tea, sky got dark and lightning, thunder and rain came down full force.......

routinely checking all groups' ponds, of course, there were only one pond done accordingly and ready to receive fingerling, but transport would cost too much for only one pond......I have reschedule it and wait for at least another three ponds ready for it on December 20th....... 
Nothing much I can do, might as well go for the tree lings my farmers had secured from CARITAS, a NGO from Norway......
With headman's approval we planted them in the road side of the Makasa Primary School.........
Cheng    12/9/2012

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