Tuesday, June 4, 2013

May 24th - Shangrila

Going inner to the northwest, closer and closer to the beginning of the Yang-tze River, of course, still far to its beginning......we visited the "Hu-Tio-Hsia" water was rushing in the mud color......

forwarding to even inner and higher mountains...... the housing still seemed very Chinese to me. 

Azalea were all over the road side and as far as I can see on to the bottom of the hills.....the guide said that we were a week or ten days too early to see the whole mountain turned colorful.......whao, how amazing that is to be......it was so incredible for me already to see these many azalea at one place and in such a huge area to that matter.... 

more into towns...... 
it is Zhang minority area here, the housing still have the Chinese roofing but the wall was about 2 feet thick at the bottom and single brake thick at the top for the cattle and goats are all staying inside of the same house in the night.

Look at these posts....they were close to two feet in diameter, just to think of it before all the smoothing had done, it must had been three feet in diameter.......that meant they were at least thousand year old, slow growing in the high mountain trees.....
Lucky them to have the luxury of using those kind of materials on housing these days. 
New schools and new buildings are all have the roof with Chinese links....or it was only how I felt?! 
not only cattle and goats shared the paved roads with people and modern vehicles, the pigs too..... 

A white yak was at the corner of road before we stopped the bus and went into a temple or something, I zoomed in and took this picture from inside of bus window, not seeing the sign next to it said" ten yun per person", of course, by than, I should had already knew that all things worth attention were all for money be collected.....sorry, I just saw that sign when sorting these pictures......but I hadn't ridden on it, nor gotten close to it......so I could be excused??? 
The sign said it is a culture center, but when got inside of the building, I had been pressed to make a pledge, at the first. Than a slip to write for the amount of money to be contributed...so I wrote on the slip that the monks (or who ever they were??) handed to me, I wrote "Continue volunteer work". 
I believe they were very disappointed on me.....but I was just one of the tourists been brought to them, no one told me what we were there for.....just for "that" I guess.......
Hope it was not their culture at the first place. 
Come to think of, I really can't tell the one person greeted us at our arrival, who was a monk or a person in Zhang clothing.......???
In the evening, we were kind been forced to gave up our group dinner and paid 340 yen per person to have this Zhang dinner plus folk dancing......all were fine, but the language was sort of sharp... 
Meat was plentiful from roasted veil, pig to chicken to local milk tea, to 34 degree alcohol local drink and mushroom soup, local cheese, local bread and so on........ 
Music and dance were all wonderful with their own strong characters.......clearly these were the real horse back people and been in the hush weather and in all conditions..... 
The cultural here is that one can have many wives or many husbands, if one can afford,(don't know if they still are) the guide said "It is when Han cultural came into our area this peaceful and beautiful way of life been disturbed......"
......just that I was not fast enough to ask when they were in their lovely way of life, were any of the wives and the husbands have to be contained and faithful to their committed partners and all had been happy with all other wives and all other husbands together ever after until the death to part them???  
Well, more dances to watch and more meat to eat and the ever loudest noise for ears was all I have had that night.......
and all the ??? marks in my head.
Cheng     June 4, 2013

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