Sunday, March 17, 2013

back at routine working......

Got back to village, first I had a few ponds starting to construct, and went to all villages to re-enforce everyone to come for the work planning meeting at month end on January 31st, 14:00 at my insaka........
I had the only one internet cafe in Samfya, its co-owner Ba Joseph fixed my lap top password problem that he had the repare I am my lap top owner again....
Thanks to Ba Joseph. 
One neighbor's rooster, it had to crook in the front of my door or in between my house to my insaka....05:30 to 06:30 every morning.......rain or shine......
Go to the chicken and "work"...
and any wherer else... 
While telling farmers to come for work planning meeting for February, one group told me that they have no fishes any more.....WHAT!!!......"It was all got stollen, while you were gone from village."
My fault???  That I have had a COS conference and a vacation????
Turned out that DOF Samfya has the record that this group had lost fishes twice before this time in the record, all at about time to be harvested......
I raised my voices every time talking to them on this subject that I truly believe it was done by inside thieves and if none to tell, that is covering up for the others....."WHY???"
After while I can see the eye contacts were not friendly any I went to DC's office and the Acting DC Ba Mulenga at the time, listened to my story in friendly way but surprised me that he brought the head of DOF Ba Musonda to come to my meeting regarding to this stollen fish issue in my insaka that afternoon.
It turned all negative attention on me to the possitive way.  With the officials around all farmers assured me that they want to continue work hard on fish pond farming and wanting me to keep on monitoring their progresses with them. 
Thanks to Ba Mulenga and Ba Musonda.
Beside this, they sent DOF officers Ba Mbewe and Ba Milemba with DOL Ba Chipwaya to come assisting me on the field discuss with that group of farmers, next to their ponds under a tree.
We suggested them to regroup the membership - 50 members in a group is too big to manage.  Assign people for each of their four ponds......their fingerling in ponds are suffient to expect a good harvest in six months time, if they will provide enough feed and pond managements......and all had agreed. 
Positives on the top of positives......CERITUS gave my closeby farmer group four hundred tree lings of all sorts.......This was the second batch of tree lings we have received since last October.
We had 194 pine tree ling from them. 
Hope in month of February all be moving forward positively and in wonders.
Cheng  3/17/2013

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