On the way to lunch, there were Warthog mama showing her babies way to a restaurant kitchen's back door.
After lunch we first encountered a huge herd of elephants walking toward us, but walking slightly to our right in about 10 feet distance and kept on, but this largest one at the end of it all, came straight to the front of our vehicle and stood there to tap his left front leg for a few seconds that felt like a few hours....than he walked to pass us on our left, so close that I could have touched him if I extended my arm out......of course, NOT....When he was next to our vehicle he was at least another 2-3 feet tooler....whao....
Genets came on large herd too......at least 20 -30 of them at this time.....
Griefs at river bank and were eating the sand or dirt or whatever......I thought they can't bent the heads lower than their hearts???
This is amazing, all large animals has cleaner birds on them.....

We waited long, long time for the six lions to take action on the "kill".......
action finally taken.....but they did not play it real......so we moved on.....
Watched tortoise crossing....
Right before it was real, real dark, this leopard was right at the road side....but not good for my camera.....only one I took it anyway.....
Good food at the camp......
New friends Sandy and Elise.......
Cheng 11/27/2012
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