Almost the whole month of October, I was only doing offices visits with new farmers and the pond managements on existing ones, I thought I could have learned to Zambian way to sit back and relax...... group of my farmers acted up that they wanted to reconstruct one of their old ponds....Okay......

While working with a new group, there was this young man - Dimas Kaluba, 10th grader, 17 year old, who was working in behalf of his father - a member of Makumbi group......that he has his own old fashioned fish pond (leaks already) and a garden to feed his fishes.....well, if he has the gut to earn his own tuitaions, I will help any way I can along side of the Makumbi group.
Some Makumbi members and Diams Kaluba in white shirt at back.
Got a phone call from PLARD officer Dr. Abila that Prime Minister of Finland was especially came to see my Yasakwa farmers on October 24, 2012 for the farmers there are doing great job under PLARD's assistances that had never stopped after my taxi accident in July 2011. I appreciated that people are still remember me along with my Yasakwa farmers.
There came phone calls, emails that US Ambassador is coming to visit Luapula Province the last week of October and choosen to visit your post home, villages, farmers and fish ponds......Whao, this is going to be a big event for all my villagers......
My counterpart is a carpenter and he was to make me a book case five plus months back and now he got it I have a proper sitting room. Come for a cup of tea???
There also came the package from Kathy and Larry of school books and soccer balls that was on the way for eight weeks, but it have to wait till after this big event of Ambassador's visit to open. I believe my kids will be very happy to see them and use them.......Thanks, Kathy and Larry.
Dimas's new standard pond started......
Makumbi's new standard pond also going on.....
besides monitoring all old ponds on their pond managements.
Well, well, Makasa buddies, time to cleaning up all ponds and all those tadpoles in the water.....The US Ambassador is coming on November 1st...........Whao....hurry......
I started to invite the officials as suggested about 10 days ahead of time, plus all those who helped me all along my PCV journey since July 2010. Responds were fair.
We even have had the Wildlife officer - Ba Wmimba to come given one goat workshope to my farmers last Friday. I went over night at Rachel and Joe's Friday night, we had great Indian food the Joe made and yaped too much, no pictures was remembered to take. Went to Carmen and Mark's on Saturday night and witnessed their home education project of the universe.
and dinner under the solar system.......
Before I went home Sunday morning, Nala and Lilly had to show me their new ducklings....these ones have ones that I always knew........not the yellow ones.....

but those were all from the same mama...
The day before the Ambassador came, the whole town of Samfya all of sudden got more excited than my farmers.....
The Acting DC with two Police high officers came checked my house inside out, went to the ponds that Ambassador will see.......took me and my bike back to their office for some other officers will supply us all chairs for "important" people to sit for my farmers too......
Rain had been in the air for couple of weeks now, and it came down all at once while they were about to take me and my bike back to my post home to see how many chairs they can bring over that afternoon and next morning before the Ambassador come.
No time to wait, we loaded my bike in the back, in the rain and drove to my house. The driver was nice to park the car in the front of my step so I can go put on gum boots to unload my bike while all sit and wait in the truck....
For the receiving of the Ambassador, I have a map made out on how to have all estimated number ofpeople sit around for November 1st......... Of course, on the chairs will be better than I was to have all to sit on the cement ring as all my meetings had been at this post home......
Okay, 30 plastics delivered before 17:00......the rest will be here 06:00 hour tomorrow.
Fine. Thanks, and see you all in the morning.
This office is to close at 17:00 soon, I will come again tomorrow......
Good night you all. Cheng 11/1/2012
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