Monday, September 12, 2011

Three weeks back to Seattle.....

The last day (August 18th, there was a rainbow on the sky) I saw my South African Doctors - Dr. Neumann (most gental, possitive and sweetest famel skin graft doctor) Peace Corps Doctor - Dr. Erfan, who took me to most office visits, the wound nurse Ms. Rene and the therapiest Ms. Shannon, I just remembered to take a picture of theirs before I left their one point, Dr. Erfan took one for me too....

August 20th when I arrived at Sea-Tac Airport, John carried my backpack, Lucy chacing all to take pictures and their daughters carried my crutches and foot brace and medical supplies, while I was on the wheel chair and Bob was taking his car from the garage to take me to his home.....

Now three weeks in Seattle, I can still remember all that urging and inpatient for not able to have an appointment to see any reconstruction plastic surgeon earlier than October 26th at Virginia Mason Hospital in the fisrt week; end of the second week Dr. Freidrich of Harborview Burn Center finally granted me an appointment on September 22nd; I was excited and wanting to contact with Peace Corps officers for the insurance paper works prior to the date, but it followed by the Labor Day long weekend, than I couldn't contact with any officers in Washington DC for the whole week......Well, I will try my best to have all inusrnace paper work prepared for my seeing Dr. Freidrich.......

Well, in the distruction with all I was in, not once I have thought of to close this blog of mine for the unkown date of surgery(s) and therapies would take to see when would be the date of my return to Africa.......I will hold another week and a half to see how to continue this blog, or not.......Thinking possative and patience! Right? These, I had and needed to remind myself from time to time lately........

Well, hope you all having great time for the late coming of summer hot weather here or some told me Spring is coming to South Africa already.......You all enjoy the weather no matter here or there....until later....Cheng 9/12/2011

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