In the morning, I was still checking fingerlings from all ponds that had received them last Tuesday.....When I got home, I found next door old lady was having some other lady farmers to dig out groundnuts that she had planted, while Bob was visiting last November...She was sitting at the side in black with big smile on her face.......
It was a great harvest to my knowing..........
Just remembered that earlier that day, my youngest farmer - Ba Dimus and his sister were chasing after my bike wanting to give me these groundnut from his garden......nice kids, and YES I have accepted it all with my camera and my heart......
I am leaving Makasa to Mansa the next day, what can I do about all these.........
Thanks, Ba Dimus and the sister.
14:00 hours the farmers started coming to my insaka and food items started to show up...
It was hot in the afternoon sun.......I hang up chart papers around my insaka.....
my embroidery groups came, only the same girl who had two project done before this day, she gave me her latest and larger piece of work......thank you, my dear girl.
Ba Dimus was waiting at side to give me his thank you letter to me and another letter to mail to Spokane that he wanted to be a pen pal with Bobbi........till the last day I was there!!!.....well, better than none, I guess.
Another fish farmer gave me her piece of embroidery work.....thank you, Ba Paggie......
Oh, the name was short with a "g" at the end, someone said.......
No problem, the Mom fixed it right up.......no matter how old you are, a Mom is always behind it all.....no differences in Africa........
My latest jointed in farmer, Ba Annabelle Mataka with her son Chris.....they show up late at my time in Makasa, but they picked up the interests in integration farming and their work forces in all were stronger than all other groups.
Ba Annabella had been in a bus accident and lost her left arm. She is 10 years younger than I am, 100% of energy, happy at all times and positive actions in all directions.
In Twatasha group members, there were a Mom and a son and the daughter in law, they gave me a wood carved fish and a dried up squash painted with design to be used for drinking cup......
I wished to be able to post few clips of their dancing and singing for me and had me in, around and around with all of them too......
we sat inside insaka, lots kids sat outside in shades........
Rachel, Joe and Tiana came with their home made cookies to treat me and my farmers....
Thank you all, Rachel, Joe and Tiana.

After the three left before sun went down, I spread out what I can't bring home to all......
Sun went down quick and instantly getting dark here.....not much margin in between.....
Quickly, I put all into squares on the chart paper and everyone drew a number to it......the headman was mad at me for I didn't treat him special.......he didn't face me or talk to me for the rest of the evening.....
but the next morning, when Ba Annabelle and her son came to drive me to Mansa, the headman came and a few neighbors came to say Good-Bye too.........so me and the headman were in good terms again....... He was in the white cap.....
Bye, my home for the past year and my close villagers......
Let me have another closer look, one more time........
Thank you all, and Bye-Bye, my dear Makasa Communities.......
Cheng 5/8/2013
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