At my sad time the whole last two weeks, I was so surpriced that my farmers were working hard on new fish ponds with only a little of my assistant.......birds are still around my house....
this one had a mouth full.....don't know how she is to feed her baby with that huge thing......
This new group of farmers got held up while constructing the third corner, did come out great with perfect sloop and all hard pounded all around.......I am really proud of them......
A week plus after received fingerling, the survived ones have grown twice larger in sizes....that's meant farmers are feeding them good.
Thursday, September 28, officers from PLARD and DOF provincil, even local, they had a three days workshop in Samfya. End of the workshop PLARD and DOF provincial came to see my farmers, ponds on their way back to Mansa.....I was to show them my post home but time was running out for I still have biking home in the day light.....(their truck carried my bike while visiting around.)
but all have seen my four group of farmers, 18 old and new ponds.......
The ones closer to my home, the road not able to drive in all the way, so all to walk some distance....
These were my first three ponds.......not as prefect as the other group had done, my fourth pond.....
At my last group in Musaila....sun was already shinning side way........

This is a total women's group and they've got promised for all support from PLARD and DOF provincial for their 2013's planning and asked to present their agenda ASAP......
With all the conversation with farmers and knowing the heavy lost of fingerling, PLARD and DOF are promised to replace all to them, when they deliver the fingerlings for the 2 new ponds and 1 breeding pond on October 12th.
The next day I went in early to DOF in Samfya in seeking the paper work for the up coming fingerling on October 12th that had promised by PLARD and DOF provincial....There were lots people on my bike route to the market to buy or sale stuffs.......
I was told no paper work needed just bring the collected half price money and they will forward to Provincial office in the early next week......Okay!?!?......
After that I went to Carmen and Mark's for the night again........
For my cooking of Chinese food again.......Kon-Bau Chicken, etc.....this time I added Mark's favorite - pot sticker, for they will be leaving to Zanzibar in few days....This time I have additional help from a couple of new missionary volunteers from Chicago, Rachel and John, if I've got their name right..... they will be here for a year.......we used up the filling too soon, so we had half of pot stickers filled with chopped up apples and rubarb jam.....Mark squeezed maple syrup over it when done cooked, as for desert. It was great.....thanks to Rachel's quick fun it was on all new creations....
Back to my home the next morning, my insaka kids came only one girl and one boy.....after it I was called to a Child protection meeting......Again, villagers were late to show up and this time there were drums for the calling.......still not working much, so I went home and read my book......
Relaxed for the first time in this month....may be.........
What a month of September......I thought I did great to begin with them crushed down good deeds without punishments......
Thanks for all who emailed me on the concern of my being after they read my blog for the last few weeks......Truly appreciated to all, if not you all there supporting me, I have no power of my own to go forward.....Sometimes. Really.
This morning, I told my counterpart before we went meeting with a new group in Musaila that we will do thing in the local's ways, that I have learned in the hard way, just these weeks....that we will bring these farmers to their Comp officer, than DOF in Samfya so these farmers will have smoother time to deal with their fingerling when their time has come.......
By the trip biking west than east this morning, I had faced the most strong east wind even since I came in May.......not only wind, it came with fine sand that get your eyes and nose watering....
We mended relationship with DOF, I believe, and also visited D O Forestry. There we've got other promises of resumming "Beekeeping workshop on Octover 18 & 19", "a trip to see my Lukali school on October 11th" "possible 1 lima tree farm for one of my neighbor, who drunk most of time (making noises, but had not bothered me yet, the headman is to kick him out of village but I suggest give him work so he doesn't have to drink to kill time. Will see how this one goes.....), "2 lima tree farm for my Makasa fishery group".......visited Ranger Station too, and got one half day "Goat Rialing workshop" on October 26th.
Am I jumping ahead of the gun again???.......It is hard to train the old dog new tricks!!!......
You all have a wonderful week ahead. Thanks again for being with me the whole time.
Cheng 10/01/2012
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