I was to host six new Peace Corps trainees from September 15th to 20th, they came only five for one got injoryed somewhat and stayed in Lusaka. They arrived way after dark and some did not got up next day till language teacher had came......I went on to work with my farmers on the tao issues.....
Some finished lessons earlier and got time to play with my neighboring kids.....that I am greatly appreciated......
In the afternoons, I took them and their Skill trainer to visit my farmers and ponds and gardens...

Hope they have seen my flowers everywhere too......
One fish farmers we visited was close to Samfya so I suggested to take them into town after, just to say "Hi" to some DOF officers then go the beaches of Lake Bangweulu....
There I might had made mistake, for we could not possible to say "Hi" to every officers.....only got told that the next day that my farmers were to collect fingerlings from Ifyinogari that they can't go because DOF has students to attend the skill training on heavesting the fingerling.....
Just at the beginning of the week, they had me collect the transport money from my farmers, now my farmers were only to pay the transports for these students??? Not at my approval......I called to Provincial officer and got it sittled that I can't go but my farmers will. That's more like it.
Back at my home, I told the traineers that if they will to play with my nieighboring kids, I would not mind to cook dinner myself....and they did......thanks to their good hearts......

Two even went fitch water the local way home........the neck must been hurting......even just looking at the picture now......
Cheng 9/28/2012
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