Carmen and Mark had visitor from New Zealand and invited me for lunch, in turn I show my trip pictures of my 9 months in Seattle....Lily and Nala enjoyed the Meldives dive pix the most....
A girl came bring me the water, so I found that she is 14 year old and her son is 13 month old....boyfriend run away......living with 82 year old Grandmo and Aunt, who is a widow and has 6 of her own children....it took me two weeks to talk with all around to put her back in school.....now the Aunt is taking care of baby when she is in school....because of it, both of the girl and Aunt have cases at hand for Government Education Program, Social Walfare and NGO's help.....Carmen and Mark is one of her resources too.
June 22nd the Anuual Agricultural Show in Makasa Primary School, which is about one kilometer from my home, of course, I took one booth to interduce Peace Corps, me and my work in Yasakwa and future work for Makasa......
I wrote them in Bemba, so noone after me for not speaking much of Bemba with all people visited the booth.....
The tipy-top water for hand watsh that I learned from PST in Mansa couple weeks back....
My secondary counterpart - Ba Pama. took over the presentation quick after and that is good insurance of substainable on whatever I am showing that telling here.....
I am really after villagers to go on beekeeping....
The show had profermances of dances from schools and groups....
at end they even gave out prizes for all sorts of exhibitions....
Than.....I heard the announcement of "Ba Peace Corps".....while announcer was reading the prize envelope the commissioner assistance was looking straight at me that help me to understand fully that I won the second prize........
It came with $30,000 Kwacha that equals to US$6.00 whole dollars......
What a surprise........Cheng 6/28/2012
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