This snow storm started on Saturday, January 14th while I was having 18 friends to come for my Zambian picture show and it came down on and off for the first four days all were about 5 inches on the ground. Wednesday there was good 10 inches of snow as weatherman reported. I went out to shovel the drive way and side walk; it was hard work for the snow was wet and heavy. Thursday morning, we were covered by a whole sheet of ice about half an inch thick all over every thing and every wehere, for it had rained down ice the whole night. Lucky that I did the shovel the day before; it would be way too heavy to shovel by this time. Bob did cleared the snow from the top of brushes; otherwise we would have them all broken down by this ice storm. The brooken down tree branches had brought down the power lines in many places so we got the power and internet outage for a few days. People who have generators were busy to get it work and rush to the gas station for fuel........we drove out ways before "a" gas station had power to do the businesses. Power was back on Saturday but the internet was not until Sunday night.
Well, if Dr. Friedrich's office did not change my appointment from January 19th to February 16th, I can't drive out anywhere on those icy roads anyway. So very thankfully, I believed another time that there is reason for any thing to have happened. Also it will be a great memory to talk about with villagers when I returned to Zambia. Cheng 1/26/2012
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