Since my wounds were better and allowed to travel aboard, I visited my friends and relatives in Jawa Island, Indonesia too. I just have to show and tell to all that I was almost all well and tell them what Peace Corps is and how my work in Zambia was trained and performed and how Peace Corps has being taking care of my condition after the accident as well as how my villagers in Zambia had been doing since I have left, etc. etc......
Everyone there were so eager to treat me anything special they can think and take me to places I would like to go and see. They concluded to have my neice Mia to accompany me to Yojarkarta in centrol Jawa for a three days trip and we went by air and back by train.
Mia treated me well and we were lucky to have a friend - Sindhu to take us around while we were there. One night we went for the traditional dance of a Ballet Show. It was so great. It was the most beautiful and wonderful show I have had seen since I started visiting them from 1990.
One day we went to Borobudur temple. I was there once in 1990. I remembered we drove very close up to the temple to parked and to visit the temple all around. Now we parked at far distance for there was a huge area around the temple managed as a park. This temple took 200 years to build, from 5th AD to 7th AD.
It is a earthquake country and the temple is a pilled up stone blocks carved with stories. If there is any earthquake damages, they were have to rematch the stone blocks according to the carved stories.......so there is a huge area of the blocks waiting to be rematched........What a construction in that ancient times.........the carved stories at all corners and turns were all perfectly made sence.....how the engineering for all of it been done and carried out perfectly....just look at the faces and body languages...... Another day we visited the last kingdom's (right before the Dutch time) musium, where the photography was not allowed......
Now I am back in Federal Way, WA., USA almost a month and just got phone call from Dr. Friedrich's office that they had to reschedule my appointment to see him on February 16th, instead of January 19th. Another month to wait and up in the air again.....well-oh-well, I will keep you all posted for any more news for the Doctor's visits..........you all have a possitive 2012.........Cheng 1-15-2012