As I saw Dr. Friedrich on February 16th, after we discussed the cons and pros on my reconstruction plastic surgery now or another year+ from now, we concluded that:
1. I can go back to work in Zambia now for the surgery can take up at least another two, three months of my time in Seattle.
2. Even if I have the reconstruction plastic surgery now, that my wounds are all healed up and good to go for the surgery, but the circulation is still at the rebuilding stage, the leg is still has a little swelling and will take another year or so before it could become completely normal, that I might still need another reconstruction surgery a year later.
So the final conclusion was that Dr. Friedrich released me back to work in Zambia, after March 25, 2012.
For whatever reason, after I have this expected out come from February 16th doctor's visit, I just can't bring myself to post this news on the blog.......whatever emotion issue that was........
Went scuba diving with Northwest Dive Club Sunday and talked to many people about my return to Zambia soon and still took me whole day today to face this reality on my blog.....might as well share to you couple pictures from yesterday's dive at Redondo Beach, Federal Way, Washington State. They were baby wolf eel and Cockerell's Dorid Nudibranch. Cheng 2-19-2012