My kids in Yasakwa, Mansa District, Luapula.
Mid October I have started the time table with 4 kids, as you see the two pairs of them the bigger ones were teaching the younger ones from the 2s. I had them practice it in my insaka every Saturday at 8:00 hour. The group had grown up the more than a dozen kids to come every Saturday.
The one with the large group of them was taken on New Year's Day - from the left of the picture - Samuel 12, Mevis 9, Licha 13, Finess 9, Kennedy 10, Eupharia 8, Lungo 8, Aaron 6, Josephine 5, Crista 5, a new kid had to get his name and age yet.....
In Oct. Samuel can do up to 4s, Kennedy 3s, Mevis did not know anything about it, Lungo said he was too young for it......now Mevis completed time table before Kennedy. Samuel and Kennedy also completed the time table. Girls were not encouraged to learn anything besides house work......and girls are really learning fast on most of anything here......even the two 5 year olds.....I told them at the beginning that they were too young....but in December they determined to come into my insaka so they are on the way to complete 2s now.....
I have all three of them teach the younger and/or newer ones....Before I came for my 2 weeks in services training, I had 2 14 year old boys to lead the time table for me and all kids complaint that the 2 boys have no cookies or candies as I had for them.....so I told the 2 boys to take records none of them will miss treats if they are really good at time table, I told all of them.....and see how my little leaders come out to be when I am home this Sunday.....need to think of something from Seattle for them too..... Cheng 1/18/2011