My work started without a counterpart but with those farmers and groups who contacted me and came lead me to their sites.......there were women groups, fish farmers, garden farmers....It was all fine and fun to work with all of them.
One time I was visiting a basic school 5KM east from my house to show kids the maps of the World, Africa, Zambia....but teachers were more excited about my sprint triathlon and asked me to lead them running.....of course I have them stratch and walk first....but school ended early December and we did not continue walking....wait for the school to start again.....
One retired government officer has a large piece of land he determined to work on. One day he was cutting down a quite large tree for ant problem, at his condition - cancer of lots items.....I saluted his mental stage of life. His wife was so nice to call me as "her sister" and gave me all sorts of fruits from trees, as fresh as worms were all alive......her genuine kind heart has always sincerely accepted and appreciated.
Last week of October rain started, it was as quick thunder shower once every other day, it increased to every day business and heavier and heavier so my front yard flooded, roof leaked like first I take pictures and watched rain along with the leaks.....later I had Gerlinde's books and books from PC Provincial House to read......and just read the rain out.....not just that late November it becoming lighter rain with no stops in between.....leak was less but it melted down my toilet wall......villagers did more talks than works on fixing my roof and all others than they really worked on any........
For the rain soften the dirt, all able person all worked in the in vacation till late January......all kind of mushrooms come up every work with farmers had limited so more time with kids but it was hard to see kids around for they had to work in the fields too...
I have had some fun times to visit the officers of DOA and DOL socialized with their wives and dinners at their homes and once we played pool at the only table in Mabumba, my big village 4 km from my home with the environmental technician, too. At one of those luncheon Mrs. Owen, introduced the catapillo the dried warm deep fried to me and if I would have closed my eyes I would said it was dried shrimp that we use often in Chinese food.....but the look......sorry.....
I have visited a new widow with 6 kids, aged from 2 to 11. In the picture the #4 and #5 were missing for they run away for scared of "Musongu" the white man....the #6 had no choice but to cry in Mom's arms......How can I help??? I offered vegetable seeds for her to plant, but she told me "No"....what can I or we help????
Every weekend I try to come into Mansa the capital of Luapula to buy more groceries and just get away from village for a I got to met with Chinese people in town....first from the Budget Store for kitchen stuff....met the manager from Shanghai....from Mr. Ke I knew half dozen more other Chinese in town - besides Mr. Ke all are mine product collectors from all over China......this is the only place that I saw Chinese people first before I saw Chinese restaurants....
so Chinese people here all have vege gardens at their company rented large homes and all inviting me for dinner....they are all better cooks than I can manage at here.....
Well, I think, it is the limit for today on the pix and notes.....there may be some repeated, sorry for the confusion.....till next time.......Cheng 12/17/2010 reason to come in today was that I took PO box key to check if I have package coming and none, than rain started plus I had a ride home so I went home with the key.....that I had to return to the PC got some more posting......Later you all......Have a wonderful weekend to come.....I will stay in my village this weekend for I had been out twice already......